Monthly Archives: March 2019

Open Source Business Model

is a phrase that has been thrown around at times and applies to many existing examples like RedHat, Cloudera and others.

If you’re thinking about starting a company, don’t let the tail wag the dog. Start with the question “how can I deliver value for customers” and work backward from that. Then piece together the open source components you’ll need for your ultimate solutions that deliver value and construct your software supply chain. At this point, you may decide, like Red Hat, that you want the benefits of collaborative development, or you may decide, like Cloudera, that you want at least some of that to be entirely under your control. The point is you can make that choice without the baggage of “let’s monetize ‘X’”. You’ll be much happier with your choice.

Open Source Business Model, is discussed in a few places by a few authors and their position is that there is not one of “these” and I would suggest that their perspective is skewed by their pre-existing conditioning from their own experiences. I think there are many entrepreneurs that are working in and with Open Source in various ways.

Lots of interesting ideas none the less.

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